Reviews - Van_Halter François

François Van Halter
François Van Halter
François Van Halter
François Van Halter
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Poems, composed in colour and texture.

The artist François van Halter, uses colour and line to evoke a poetry that captures the life-force which manifests itself everywhere even in the most mundane of appearances.   

Hence he shows us inter alia two women casually chatting at the bus stop; a young forlorn lover who is smitten by deceit;  pedestrians that stroll along among trees;  a farmstead nestling in a landscape bathed in bright sunlight or dynamic compositions of abstract shapes.

In an ongoing dialogue the artist’s brush, inspired by the eternal miracle of life, presents an enduring ode to that miracle.

Dr Elza Miles (Botha) - Art Historian, author and critic.

Sincerity, dedication, inspiration…

Sincerity shines through in François Van Halter’s paintings.
This characteristic, extremely rare in an art-age obsessed with being progressive, different and, often, outrageously obscure, arises in Van Halter’s landscapes and flower studies because of his deep determination to capture the essence of reality – of “Nature”.

Ever since the ultimate discovery that many of the French impressionists (spurned and despised in their own lifetimes) were art geniuses, world art has idiotically presumed that art styles, understood now, will automatically eventually be found to have been ahead of their times. With this ever-prevalent but stupid belief, artists of the calibre of François Van Halter are only looked upon by “progressive art” idealists as a dying breed.

Those who appreciate the finer values of technique, careful colour choices, sound draughtsmanship and actual inspiration “provided” by nature, will appreciate that artist like Van Halter, far from being “of the past” actually are of a dedicated breed who concentrate on the finest technical aspects of art, whilst the future “geniuses” more and more forget these basic art essentials as they promote egotistical and exhibitionistic ideas that too often hardly can be called art at all.

Richard Cheales – artist/art critic


I am familiar with the work of most South African artists. I bought my first painting 35 years ago when I was merely 14 years old.

The moment I met François van Halter in 2003, I knew that I had to get to know this man better. I discovered his great intellect, his deep feelings, his poetic love for life, controlled by his sound draughtmanship, which are all omnipresent in his work.

Unaware of the standard of his work, I could not believe what I saw when I first visited François’ studio. I felt like a child in a sweet shop. I exclaimed: I am overwhelmed! Each work is a masterpiece! It remains food for my soul to this day.

No wonder Renee Sigel put his work on the level of such masters as van Gogh, Cezanne, Vermeer, de Kooning and Kline. No wonder Professor Muller Ballot defined his work as works of a maestro par excellence, paintings in the grand bravura manner.

Akis Apergis called him the best artist in South Africa today.

Yes I agree with them all!

Jak Redelinghuys
Art Lover / Gallery Owner
Prof. Muller Ballot - past museum director in Stellenbosch .... As Head of Dept. of Art History, on walking around with Francois at his exhibition ...."Francois, I don't find a single mistake in any of your compositions"

Prof. Nico Roos - University of Pretoria (Established Fine Arts Dept.) .... "You should have a retrospective exhibition at the University."

Sidney Goldblatt - artist and judge on Artists of Fame and Promise .... "Francois, you are a born impressionist, stick to it."

Michael Coulsen - critic Financial Mail .... "an oil painter in the grand bravura manner" and about his paintings "enormous assurance and freshness. You have to marvel at at the verve and virtuosity"

Prof. Larry Scullery - Past Emeritus Prof. at Stellenbosch) On entering a solo exhibition at the Crake Gallery .... "It's happy" and "an invitation to visit him at the University"

Frans Claerhout - priest and painter .... "You should have a book published, it's high time" Francois drew his portrait.
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