About - Van_Halter François

François Van Halter
François Van Halter
François Van Halter
François Van Halter
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About the artist François van Halter  1923 - 2023
Born 21 April 1923 Ghent Belgium into an artistic family and has been drawing since childhood.
In his youth François gained much artistic knowledge from both his father (a sculptor in wood) and his uncle Joseph van Halter who was a well established artist in his own right . . .  read more
Academic background

Let François tell you himself how he gained his enormously comprehensive knowledge about painting technique and especially about aesthetics:

Both my father and his older brother Jozef  . . .  read more
François Van Halter speaks himself...........

    Whenever and for what ever reason my brush puts paint on canvas, a composition is born that shows how I feel.

    I often start with a rather representational sketch . . . read more
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